Why Does Your Business Feel So Much Like a Crappy Job?
Let Me Take You from Business Burnout to Attracting Abundance in Just 90 Minutes.
Let Me Take You from Business Burnout to Attracting Abundance in Just 90 Minutes.
Business can seem overwhelming at any phase, I know.
Especially when the way it currently looks for you is ANYTHING but easy.
You started a business because you never wanted to answer to “the boss” ever again
But instead:
You’re so easily triggered and discouraged lately. Your team is making you crazy. You don’t even like your customers and clients that much on some days! It’s so unlike you.
You just don’t have the pep for marketing, admin, and management anymore—and it’s showing in your bottom line. Your daily tasks are draining you. You always feel like you should be working, and your personal life is suffering.
You used to LOVE talking about your business and how you could impact the world. These days, you are praying no one asks you about it. You just feel so unenthusiastic, like it’s never going to work the way you wanted.
Let’s Stop the Energy Leaks So You Can Drive Your Business with Peace and Passion.
The thing is, there isn’t a to-do list or planner on earth that can bring the vitality and robust bottom line back into your business.
When it comes to abundance, energy attracts like energy.
And I’m guessing your energy is already feeling pretty low.
It’s understandable! It happens to every single entrepreneur.
You get to the point where you’re wondering if you should just go back and get a job, because this isn’t affording you the life you wanted.
It’s not your fault.
No one handed you a blueprint for “How to Manage Your Entrepreneurial Energy”
Until Now.
For Entrepreneurs at Any Level of Business Who Want Their Time Freedom Back
(The Entrepreneurs’ Energy Assessment was designed and researched by the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching.)
Along with my intuitive coaching, the assessment reveals the blind spots that are driving you into those low energy places (and are impacting your bottom line).
It will also uncover your energetic strengths, so you can leverage your inherent power and get back to your entrepreneur happy place in no time at all.
The Entrepreneurs’ Energy Assessment is unlike any other “quiz” or “personality assessment” out there. It’s a personal, customized blueprint that goes beyond just giving you more information about yourself. I will coach you through a framework that gives you real tools to use when you feel yourself hitting the entrepreneur wall.
After this assessment + coaching session, you’ll be able to make powerful decisions that will stop your energy leaks.
Step 1You’ll take The Entrepreneurs’ Energy Assessment online (AKA Energy Leadership Index)
The assessment will reveal your triggers and blind spots, both in business and in life.
Because here at Serenity on Fire, I am taking a stand for my clients:
Business and life cannot be separate.
They operate together like magic when they are in harmony.
The Entrepreneurs’ Energy Assessment will uncover the places where business and life might be rubbing each other the wrong way—and help you know what to do about it.
Step 2You and I hop on a 90-minute Alchemy Coaching Session
By the end of our time together, you’ll have a totally customized plan for understanding the ways you can embody the kind of energy that attracts more than enough abundance, success, and joy.
And by “energy,” I don’t mean auras and “woo-woo” stuff—although that’s vitally important too.
I am talking literally about how you lead each decision and interaction in your business to create the success you desire.
In other words, Whole Life Leadership.
We’re going to pinpoint the subconscious beliefs that stop you from having a lucrative, freedom-first, fun as hell business (and life!).
Even better, we’re going to alchemize the energetic moxie you already possess.
Step 3You’ll receive a Comprehensive Client Report
It’s yours to refer to forever!
After our Alchemy Coaching Session, you’ll understand how to use your unique energetic blueprint to super-charge your business, and your life!
Your Comprehensive Client report includes your Entrepreneur Energetic Profile, as well as a summary of the game-changing Energy Leadership framework that we’ll cover.
Just give me 90 minutes of your time, and you’ll embody the kind of Whole Life Leadership that gives your business a fuel-injected, revved up dose of creative energy.
This assessment is valued at $1997
Your investment is only $697
You immediately feel relief and peace because you know you’re taking the first step to reclaiming your business fire, bottom line, and joy.
You’ll be prompted to choose the date and time that works best for our Alchemy Coaching Call! Please choose “Entrepreneurs’ Energy Assessment + Debrief” from the dropdown menu.
Next, you’ll check out through my secure payment processor (PayPal) where you can safely use your own PayPal account or enter any debit/credit card.
I’ll personally send you the Entrepreneurs’ Energy Assessment via email. You’ll get all the next steps sent right to your inbox. Magic!
(Don’t worry, it will all be nice and step-by-step for you. Trust the process!)
Sure, you can take another online quiz or make another to-do list.
You could spend more time trying to have another heart-to-heart with that team member who just isn’t stepping up.
Maybe you could interview some VAs to take some tasks off your plate.
You could take some more business classes (that are going to sit untouched on your hard drive, because you’re already overwhelmed!).
You could buy a beautiful planner (OK, I do love a beautiful planner).
All of these hacks are just going to address the symptoms, not the underlying cause of your Business Burnout.
But this offer is for those of you who are ready to learn the skills to permanently change your energetic vibration to match the level of success you want to create.
The Entrepreneurial Energy Assessment is the first step on the fastest path to business abundance and joy.
The words and actions you use that impact your physical, mental, and emotional energy levels.
The extent to which you can inspire and motivate others and lead with greatness, in business and life.
The level to which you can make an impact on our planet with your gifts