Say goodbye to tearing your hair out with boredom and stress, and say hello to the wild and beautiful ride ahead.
Say goodbye to tearing your hair out with boredom and stress, and say hello to the wild and beautiful ride ahead.
Running and scaling your business isn’t giving you the freedom you imagined.
You hoped by now you’d be focused on doing passion-driven service, with financial freedom and time to spend with the people you love.
Instead, business feels all-consuming. It’s eating into the rest of your life. And, worst of all, you’re not seeing the financial gain for the amount of time, effort, and energy you’re pouring into it.
Is running your soul-aligned business worth it anymore?
If you’re being honest, you just don’t know the next steps to take. You’re questioning the value that you bring to your clients and work. It’s too overwhelming. Sound familiar?
There’s more on your plate than you can handle without making even more sacrifices in your personal life. Where’s the freedom?
You’re not seeing the abundance in your business in return for the amount of time and energy you’re putting into it.
There’s still a perfectionist at the wheel, telling you what you “should” do and “have to” do. It’s draining the passionate energy you have for your work.
You’re spending a lot of time in your head overanalyzing, getting paralyzed by ideas and potential paths . . . and you’re not coming at your business from a place of love anymore.
You’re not sure another free webinar, course, or coach can help you, but you’re ready for REAL answers. You’re tired of wasting time, money, and energy on methods that give you ZERO results.
Does it ever Get Better?
You started your business because your work gave you so much joy, and you felt you had so much to offer the world. You wanted to create financial and time freedom for yourself and the people you love and to feel totally on purpose and exhilarated by your business.
You’ve had some great ideas, and the to-do lists are everywhere, but you still somehow backslide into old habits or overwhelm.
You’re starting to wonder if going into business was even the right choice for you. This isn’t anything like what you thought it would be.
I’m here to help bring the heart and soul back into your business. And into your life.
Roll down the windows, pop in the tunes that light you up, and let’s make this journey as magical as you thought it would be.
It’s YOUR TIME to fully realize the impact you were called to create in the world. Lean in and let me tell you a secret . . . All the thriving entrepreneurs you see have loved themselves enough to partner with a coach who can take them there. The only commitment you need to make now is an hour of your time.
Book a Get Fired Up Call as my gift to you and to the soul of your business.
“She is an incredibly powerful coach who was successful in helping me achieve breakthroughs with regard to money, abundance, and prosperity.”
Hi, I’m Melissa
I Know Exactly What It’s Like to Hustle and Never Get Ahead.
I remember long hours, nights and weekends spent creating and supporting someone else’s dream.
I was a rockstar with amazing experience helping businesses grow and thrive…
But I was drowning.
It tainted my relationships, my marriage, my parenting, and my health.
But I couldn’t read the label from inside the bottle. The people around me were getting fed up with me being preoccupied and stressed out.
I finally hired a coach of my own, who helped me recalibrate how to be of deep service without bleeding out.
On that journey, I learned that I could create my own vehicle of service. And as I stepped fully into a professional life of entrepreneurship that was aligned with my values, I finally began to live a freedom-first, abundant lifestyle.
You don’t have to keep side-hustling your business. And you don’t have to leave your crappy, soul-sucking job just to become your own worst boss.
If you’re struggling to grow your business and love the journey, we’ll create a transformation that is a whole-life, magical experience.
Catalyze Your Business Energy — Transform Your Life.
Faster Than You Can Imagine.
Unbridled business success is only success if your relationships, finances, and spiritual health are in balance.
Imagine this day-to-day that you can have within a couple weeks of working together:
You know exactly what to do to make the financial gains you want, and you’re on fire knowing that every action you take leads you straight into helping people and being on purpose again.
Your abundance blocks melt, and you easily invite money and clients into your business . . . without more stress and overwhelm. Hello, soul-driven IMPACT!
Your business is finally giving you the time freedom you longed for, without the nagging voice in the back of your head telling you that you “should” be doing more to be successful.
Your relationships are deepening as you’re able to become present and excited and have full ownership of your life. Your energy is contagious and your loved ones are so happy to have you back, at your best!
You’re a strong leader for your team, or you’re poised to hire the support you need, because you’ve stepped into unshakable self-leadership.
“The journey has to feel the way you want the destination to feel.”
After just one session, you’re going to have immense relief from the struggle and overwhelm you’ve been carrying with you. We’re going to dump everything that isn’t working and create a clear path for you that’s exciting, motivating, and on fire!
After our Values Ignited Session, you’ll have a compass that always points you to your True North. 10x’d motivation and renewed passion in session 1!
Damn, you’ve come a long way. With your strengths you have created something beautiful for you and your clients. But strengths are a double-edged sword. No matter how much you love that old jalopy, it’s time to reconsider the ride. Just because it can get you to the grocery store doesn’t mean it can take you to the top of the mountain.
After our Strengths on Fire session, you’ll know what you need to delegate (yes, we know you can do it all yourself) and be totally tapped into your zone of genius so you can make accelerated business moves.
Breakthroughs ahead! When you’re roaring along in your new V8, you’re bound to hit roadblocks and obstacles faster and harder than before. My clients find this session to be unbelievably challenging and deeply life changing. There’s plenty of tears as we work through my Belief Busters exercise and say goodbye to deeply held thoughts and beliefs that keep you spinning your wheels and going nowhere.
But don’t worry! As your chosen travel partner, I promise not to leave you on the side of the road. I’ve got your back as you step into a new level of life leadership.
There’s a secret atlas that very few business owners know about, and in this session I’m going to share it with you. You’ll quickly be able to see how your own energies are working against you. I’ll show you how to shift into the most high-energy version of yourself in an instant, so that nothing can hold you back as you roar ahead.
You’ll be melting away blocks to abundance and bringing in new clientele in no time.
We’ve unpacked EVERY single pebble and grain of sand hiding under the floor mats. We’ve lovingly left them at the side of the road, and you’re sitting behind the wheel of a new, powerful engine that’s ready to RIDE! Momentum, excitement, feeling secure in your assets and abilities to overcome fear.
You’re so ready to invite amazing partnerships, money, and clientele into the house of your purpose-driven business! In this session, we’ll strategize from the heart how to connect and share to attract partnerships and clients to the world of your business.
You’ll be taking exhilarating risks to put yourself out there, unattached to the outcome and playing full out . . . knowing you’ve got a powerful champion and coach in your back pocket to support you.
From a place of true strength and alignment, you now get to create a business and life that leaves plenty of room for expansive growth, personally and professionally. While most coaches will help you create a long-term vision, we’re going to get deeper than that!
We’ll create a strategy map that also includes the joyful stops and milestones you want to experience along the way. We’ll design a strategic plan that ensures that the whole journey feels like the destination.
Imagine this: You grab your coffee, crank some tunes, and sit down to get to work. You fire up your Daily GPS. Right in front of you is a list of daily, dynamic actions that you’re confident are moving you joyfully toward your success! No floundering around on social media, procrastinating tasks you hate, or wondering if what you’re doing has any impact. Instead, you’re ticking off boxes that excite you.
And best of all, youknow you’ve done the right things to reach your goals. At the end of the day, you close that laptop, and you are fully present and engaged with the people you love.
Here’s where the pedal really hits the metal! I’m in the navigator’s seat coaching you to activate your highest self and strongest intuition. You’re in the driver’s seat implementing our Strategic Road Map. I’ll be beside you, holding you to your highest expressed vision all along the way, and we’ll work together to tweak any roadblocks and detours that arise.
Follow Up—check-ins according to our maintenance schedule!
Potential to uplevel and plan a new trip toward new vistas ahead!
“Melissa helped me make great leaps forward in my business and family relationships. I came away from each session with ideas and an action plan that I could start implementing immediately. The between session accountability check-ins were just what I needed to keep me on track to reach my goals. The progress I was making was quicker and faster than I ever achieved on my own or with other coaches I had in the past. My business was really starting to take off and I was in the driver’s seat. My family relationships were stronger and happier than they had been in years. I was actually having fun building my business, and enjoying spending time with my husband. Melissa is a special coach that listens intuitively, makes you feel so supported, and walks through the fire with you. ”
Book a Get Fired Up Call with Me Today, and Find Your Fire Again.
You’ll be taken to a scheduling page where you can pick the time and date that work best for you. Choose the GET FIRED UP call!
Right away, you’ll get an email with a calendar link and the Zoom link for our meeting.
On the day of our sessions, you’ll get ANOTHER reminder because I take care of my people and can’t wait to talk to you!
You’ve been doing this alone.
You’ve been working through everything that’s scrambled up in your head by yourself.
But . . . your inner perfectionist is still ruling your thoughts. When you look around, you’re comparing your path to all the successful people around you, trying to emulate them.
You’re creating “shoulds” instead of innovation, joy, and magic. Worst of all, the people who love you are wondering if you’re doing the right thing. Doubt, fear, and overwhelm creep in and you stall out big time.
You can stay on the road of DIY. You are smart and ambitious. But the thing is, without strategic support, it’s going to take you a long, long time to do it on your own.
My heart wants you to know that there’s a faster path to wild breakthroughs that put you on the accelerated road to abundance, dream clientele, and deep relationships.
On this road, you’re absorbed into the work that called you to become an entrepreneur in the first place.
On this road with me, there’s financial and time freedom to live the life you imagined you would as a business owner.