Anger and Resentments Suffocate.


It is okay to get upset and angry when we feel betrayed or disrespected. 
Anger can fuel us into action, move us in the direction of change, of growth, to become better. 
It is an opportunity to learn something about ourselves.

BUT... If you hold on to it, and just let it hang around and poke at you... it will FESTER, BUBBLE, and SUFFOCATE you.

It keeps you stuck in the past, it ages you, and is toxic to your health. 
It will keep popping up and rob you of Joy, Peace, and Happiness until you deal with it. 
Don't let Anger and Resentments steal your Energy and Sabotage your future. 
Feel the emotion, address what comes up, and then LET IT GO. You may have to lean in and repeat the process but don't avoid it. 
FREEDOM is in the RELEASE, the letting go. It no longer serves you and will only cause you more harm.

